
Monday, April 1, 2013

A is for Aang

Aunt Wu: (telling Aang's fortune) "You will be involved in a great battle, an awesome conflict between the forces of good and evil! A battle whose outcome will determine the fate of the whole world!"
Aang: "Yeah yeah, I knew that already. But does it say anything about a girl?"

Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of my favourite anime shows, and the colourful characters are what make it so wonderful. Aang is the Avatar, the only person in the land able to bend all four elements, and the one who is supposed to stop the war started by the Fire Nation.

Despite the giant weight on his shoulders, Aang is still a goofy kid, which is what I enjoyed about him. He is a master at air bending and has to save the land, but he still just wants to have fun. The romantic relationship he keeps trying to have with Katara is also pretty cute. You can't help but love the guy, and root for him as he tries to master the other three elements!

Shout out to blogger buddy A: How could I not mention Alex J. Cavanaugh as my first shout out? Alex is a ninja blogger extraordinary, a fellow geek who I can always count on for a thoughtful comment on my posts. Thanks for being awesome, Alex!


  1. Alex definitely deserves all the shout outs possible. Not sure I'll understand much of your theme, but I'm sure I'll learn a lot!!

  2. I've never seen this one, but it sounds interesting :)

  3. Thank you, Allison!! I appreciate that.

  4. I have to say, while his crush on Katara was cute during the series, I didn't like the "consummation" of it in the last episode. Aang may be a hundred years old (technically) and super powerful, but he isn't emotionally mature enough for a relationship. This may be the parent in me coming out. ;)

  5. I need to watch this anime, because I saw the movie they made a couple years ago and was like... :*(

    Good luck on the A to Z challenge! Looking forward to more!

  6. The Last Airbender is a fav over here at the Bird's Nest too. And shout outs to Alex are always well-warranted!

  7. This series is a family favorite. Even my SecondBorn, who is into all things Asian, and might be critical of the fact that the series, while anime-style, is actually a western production, loves it too. And its success lies in the fact that not only is it well written, well voiced, with characters that have depth and complexity (the hero is not always heroic, and the villians can have sympathetic sides), its a good story!

    All the best with A-to-Z, Allison--this is a great start! :)

  8. We own the entire series on DVD, it was that good! I was SOOOOO disappointed with the live action movie though! :(

  9. Hellz yeah! Love Aang, even though the Airbender ride at the Mall of America scares the bejeebus outta me. Can't wait to see what's next!

    Hi from Nagzilla bloghopping A to Z

  10. I've never watched this one, but my friend's kids absolutely love it. I've been meaning to give it a watch and will do so, soon!

  11. Oooh hope your theme doesn't have too many tricky letters - I've heard of the film but not seen it or this series. I love the little quote - gives a great insight into what the character sees as important.

  12. My kids and I LOVE this series, and the movie was awesome! Very fun post!

  13. He sounds like a pretty cool kid! I might have to add this show to my list of ones to watch. :)

  14. I never got into Avatar, but I became a big fan of Legend of Korra (can't wait for the next season!). I need to go back and watch Avatar to get more familiar with the world, though.

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  15. I really like this series. I've only seen part of it, but my husband watched the whole series on Netflix, and I know I'd like to watch it all.
