
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

B is for Boba Fett

C-3PO: "Don't you think it might be imprudent to trust him so quickly, sir?"
Luke Skywalker: "He's our only chance... and besides, he seems like a friend."

Don't recognize that quote above? It's okay--I forgive you. Because it's from the Star Wars Christmas Special. haha. Seems like a friend, you say, C-3PO? I bet you'll regret those words.

Boba Fett is a bounty hunter, and as such, incredibly cool. For one thing, he wears Mandalorian armor, which is lightsaber proof. He has fancy weaponry and an impressive looking ship. He is also ruthless and the best at what he does.

Even though I usually pretend Episodes I-III don't exist, I did like learning about little Boba Fett and how he is supposedly a clone.

For those of you who were disappointed when he died in the Sarlacc pit in Return of the Jedi, fear not, as he actually kills the Sarlacc from inside its stomach and crawls out later, in the expanded universe. I know, right?

Shout out to blogger buddy B: This one goes to Laura at My Baffling Brain! We share a love of anime and writing.


  1. Boba Fett rules...Funny for a character who was pretty much tertiary in the original movies that he's become such an icon, but he's got that whole strong, silent type thing going on. Good choice ^_^


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    1. It is surprising, isn't it. But yeah... strong and silent and bounty hunter are all gonna attract attention.

  2. I pretend those episodes don't exist! And the Thanksgiving special.

    1. Hear, hear. But you've gotta watch them at least once, I suppose.

  3. You've seen the fabled Christmas Special? Wow--that's total geekdom. I'm impressed. Boba Fett was my older brother's favorite. He had a 12" action figure, complete with weaponry. :)

  4. LoL! I agree with Colin... total geekdom. I think I always thought Weird Al made up the Star Wars Christmas special for his "White and Nerdy" video. Now I feel like I've missed out on something crucial during my formative years...

    I also pretend eps I-III never happened.

    1. Well you should really watch the Christmas special once. That's what my friends told me before I was forced into an hour and a half of misery, at least.

  5. Aww thanks for the shout out! I love Star Wars (the original trilogy). I wanted to re-watch them recently but the DVD's wouldn't work - I was devastated! Must obtain working ones :)

  6. BUWAHAHAHAHAHA! I can get along with your revisionist version. I'm a pacifist, so the fewer dead, the better.

    1. ha, well it's not MY version... I didn't write the books ;)

  7. Boba Fett is totally cool! I have no doubt he kills the Sarlacc!

  8. The saddest part is...I've seen the Christmas was...different, I have to say.

    I remember, way back when,..I think it was just after The Empire Strikes Back came out, he had this crazy theory that all the Stormtroopers were clones. I just rolled my eyes and said 'yeah, right'.

    Looks like he -was- right, after all.

    Boba Fett is an awesome character, for sure.

    1. haha! high five, fellow geek. The special was terrifying.

  9. Indeed, Episodes I-III were a load of bull donkey. But I liked learning more about Boba as well. I actually wrote about a bounty hunter today as well! (one from my own, far less-known universe)

  10. Boba Fett rocks! I've never seen that Christmas special, but now I'm curious. Christmas in a galaxy far, far away?

  11. Lightsaber resistant armor? Now that's cool. :) I don't believe Episode I-III exists either. They don't. :)

  12. Here's hoping they cover his return in Episode VII! It'd be awesome to see Fett back in action :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  13. Love Boba Fett! You did confuse me with the quote though, I wondered what on earth that was from LOL. Never saw the Christmas special!
