
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I is for Inigo Montoya

"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

I thought about using another quote, but I just couldn't. It had to be that one.

The banter between Inigo and the Man in Black whilst they sword fight is one of the best parts of the book and movie (though there are a lot of good parts). Inigo is such an honourable swordsman that his involvement with a scoundrel like Vizzini is funny. He also makes a great best friend for Fezzik.

He is supposedly the greatest swordsman of his generation, and the only living person to hold the title of "wizard" (the rank about "master")! I greatly enjoy when at the end of the movie he has succeeded in his quest to avenge his father and doesn't know what to do, the Man in Black tells him he should be the new "Dread Pirate Roberts."

Shout out to blogger buddy I: Iceberg Ink is a fun place for crackpot Doctor Who theories, movie and book reviews. I don't know the guys there personally, but their posts always entertain.


  1. One of my favorite movies ever :) And it was a pretty funny book, too!

    1. I remember really liking the book, but I don't really remember it.

  2. just a great, great... great film!

  3. Friggin love Inigo. Love all the Princess Bride characters, but he's the best. Obviously.

  4. LOVE! So many great lines in that movie, but Inigo is the best.

  5. Fantastic! Perfect choice for letter I. And, just in case you were curious, "I'm not left handed."

  6. One of the best movies ever! Excellent choice.

  7. Great film, great character. Perfect choice :-)

  8. One of my all time favorite movies! Great post. :D

  9. I love that movie!! Stopping by from the A to Z Challenge. Incidentally, you have also been honored (cursed?) with nomination for the famed? Liebster Award. Feel free to ignore this if you are not into chain Blogging Awards, but if you feel like having some fun with it, take a peek over at for details and explanations. Keep up the good work! :D

  10. "Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?"

    If there are, we all be dead.

    I love this movie! Such a great choice for the letter I! :)

  11. First, I saw you had written about Jayne. Now I see you have written about this dude! Therefore I know I must check out your entire A to Z to seek other treasures too :) I love Inigo, and my fave clip from the movie is the part where he says "Hhhhheello!" and yells it for the first time. hehe

  12. You had to use that quote for him. It is his most famous line from that movie. Love the Princess Bride.

  13. "I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?"
    Inigo is fantastic! I saw the movie first, then read the book--I think the book is much funnier, but they're both great.
    Fel Wetzig The Peasants Revolt

  14. My favourite Princess Bride character. He's like the Dancemaster in Game of Thrones, but with better facial hair :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom
