
Thursday, April 11, 2013

J is for Jayne Cobb

Jayne: "Shiny. Let's be bad guys."

I love all the Firefly characters, but Jayne's gotta be my favourite! He's a mercenary with a passion for brawls and weaponry. He betrayed his partners to join the Firefly crew when Mal offered him a bigger room to sleep in, which does make you wonder if he will ever turn on Mal at some point, but you've gotta love him.

Jayne particularly hates the pretty doctor, Simon, and one of the best tricks he plays on him is getting Simon to put on a spacesuit in order to board a pressurized ship, as he knows Simon is afraid of vacuum.

Though Jayne is the tough guy, he does have his moments of sentimentality, like when he buys apples for the crew and wears the ridiculous (and awesome!) hat his mom sent to him. And then there's the time he was the Hero of Canton, where he robbed from the rich and gave to the poor.

Jayne is played by Adam Baldwin, and I also love how in the TV show Chuck, Baldwin's character Casey makes several Jayne-like references, including calling his car "shiny" and telling Chuck he is "damaging [his] calm."

Shout out to blogger buddy J: Gotta be to my buddy Alex from A Novel Journey! And how fitting that it be on the Firefly post, as we have bonded over a love of Firefly, among other geeky things.


  1. My favorite is still Wash, but Jayne is hilarious. I love his hats. And his occasionally idiotic comments. He's such a great character.

    1. Wash is a close second. ALL the characters are so good though!

  2. For me, it's impossible to choose a favourite - pretty sure I love them all equally. :D There is this tea cosy at work that reminds me of the hat his mum made him - and it makes me think of the quote, "A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything" ;) Love it.

    1. haha! love that line. I love all the characters too.

  3. Jayne...the man they call Jayne...

    I had my mom knit me a Jayne hat, like the one his mother made for him. It horrified my mother, but delighted me. I wear it everywhere.

  4. Why have I not heard of this? I feel out of the loop. *heads to google, tv, anything to help discover this*

  5. He did sort of turn on them in the episode where he turned in River and Simon.

    1. Yeah I know... I just didn't want to spoil it for those who hadn't seen it :P

  6. Replies
    1. I think that is one of the more quoted lines ;)

  7. Jayne's a great character because you're never quite sure just how he'll react to a situation.

    My favorite bit with him was when he had to put his gun, 'Vera', in a space suit in order to use it outside the ship...

    "See Vera, when you dress up, I can take you nice places..."

    1. heheh yeah the parts with Vera crack me up :)

  8. @Alison, Hahaha! Possible favorite Jayne quote.

    Recently there's been some turmoil on Fox claiming rights to all Jayne hats made on Etsy. I think the cumulative response is that the hats are still sold, just not called Jayne hats anymore.

    Great J topic!

    1. huh, that's too bad. Everyone will know what they are anyway.

  9. I've never watched Firefly, but this guy has been popping up everywhere with this controversy over his hat!

    1. It's worth the watch! Cowboys... space... what's not to like?

  10. "But eating people alive, when does that get fun?"

    Such a great character! :)

  11. Oh he is delicious! So much silliness and character in that one :) And yeah, the hat controversy is kindof crazy.

    AJ Lauer
    #atozchallenge helper minion
    Twitter: @ayjaylauer

  12. Jayne was an awesome character.

  13. Jayne's stint as the Hero of Canton was pretty awesome, I'll admit :) I love his fondness for grenades too :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom
