
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

O is for Olivia Dunham

Olivia: "Why would they do that? I mean, what would they want with me? What were they doing? Who could they be?"
Walter: "You're like a question machine."

When I first started watching Fringe, I thought Olivia was the most boring character ever. When I finished, I realized she is a kick-ass, awesome hero who can hold her own against supernatural monsters and keep cool during earth shattering events.

Plus, there are two of her--one for each universe. And the Faux-livia is almost as cool as the regular Olivia. Surrounding herself with awesome people like Peter, Walter, Astrid, Charlie, and Lincoln Lee doesn't hurt either.

Shout out to blogger buddy O: To Mel Chesley from Writings, Musings, and Other Such Nonsense (yes, I'm taking liberties with the "O") for being a fantastic gal with geeky tendencies!


  1. I watched the first season of Fringe and enjoyed it, but then, for some reason, I stopped watching in the second. But as everyone raved about it, I've decided I have to make an effort to watch the whole thing from beginning to end.

    1. You should. It's super good and never gets boring. I liked all five seasons. And I thought it ended well!

  2. I got into Fringe late in the game, but it's a good show. Love Olivia.

  3. I just started watching Fringe...only seen a few episodes, but liking it so far.

  4. I haven't seen that show yet, but I'll have to check it out. I love it when characters grow in the course of a series.

  5. I loved the names they came up with for the 'other side'...Faux-livia...Walter-nate, etc.

    I loved this show, but fell behind and never caught up.I'll have to do that, someday.

  6. I watched the first couple seasons and then lost track of the show. Great shout-out to Mel though!

    1. I tend to keep up with a show once I start watching. Unless it's not interesting at all.

  7. Like Alex I stopped watching quite early on, although Hubby continued to the end so I used to see her. I always find the actress quite intriguing, although I can't put my finger on why - I'm sure she'll end up as inspiration for a character of mine one day.

    1. I do too! She's just such a sincere actor, or something.

  8. Fringe reminds me of LOST in many ways. Miss a couple of episodes and you're done for!

  9. Another one I've still not seen. I really need to catch up with these genre shows :(

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  10. Season 2 of Fringe is one of my favorite TV seasons of any show ever. It really hit its stride then, and the mysteries of Olivia's childhood was so fascinating to watch as it unfolded.

  11. I loved Fringe but my wife and stepdaughter hated it. They always complained when I played it off the DVR. I figured they could suck it up if I had to watch American Idol and all those damn housewives shows.

  12. I always thought that Olivia was incredibly soulful. I loved the show from the start.
