
Thursday, April 18, 2013

P is for Pete Latimer

Pete: "Trust me, a whoosh and a twinkle is a lot better than a sizzle and a splat, or worse zzz-zap and ker-chow."

Pete is a brilliant secret service agent, with training from the marines. He likes to work from instinct, unlike Myka who likes to think things through, which is probably partly why they make such a good team.

Pete is my favourite character from Warehouse 13 because he cracks jokes to ease the tension and is a little boy at heart. His playfulness often drives Myka crazy, but I love it. I enjoy the brother-sister relationship that he has with Myka--watching them develop as a team is one of the best parts of the show.

Shout out to blogger buddy P: If you like paranormal fiction, stop by Suzanne Johnson's Preternatura. She's a wonderful lady and I took her course on plotting for pantsers that was fantastic.


  1. Pete is great. I'm so behind on Warehouse 13 I should catch back up...

    1. It is a fun one to watch when you just want to relax

  2. You know, I still haven't ever seen this show. Worth watching? He sounds like a cool character.

    1. I enjoy it! The first two seasons are the best.

  3. I watched the first season and really liked it, but when it came back the next season it was on opposite other shows I watched, so it kind of fell off my radar. But Pete was my favorite, too.

    Hope you’re having fun with the A to Z challenge,

    1. He's still the best. Though I like Claudia too.

  4. I really need to catch up on this series.

  5. They sound like a cool team. A little bit country, a little bit rock and roll. And I am so totally going to check out the link. I need some plotting help, but I am such a pantser. I just bought the Breakout Novel Workbook and I'm hoping that will help.

  6. I've only seen the first episode of this series! My dad has watched all of them - he really enjoys it! I might have to watch the rest. :)

  7. Warehouse 13 is a fun show with great characters. Three cheers for Pete! :)

  8. I watched the first season and then they took SciFi network off my cable channels for less than a year and I never got back into it. Then last year I found it on Netflix and got all caught up. I believe this season starts pretty soon, I want to say I just seen a commercial for it. I need to make sure my DVR has it on it.
