
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

T is for Taran

Taren: "Llonio said life was a net for luck; to Hevydd the Smith life was a forge; and to Dwyvach the Weaver-Woman a loom. They spoke truly, for it is all of these. But you,' Taran said, his eyes meeting the potter's, 'you have shown me life is one thing more. It is clay to be shaped, as raw clay on a potter's wheel.”

One of my favourite children's series is The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander (The Black Cauldron movie is based off one of the books, but is really a terrible representation). Taren is the main character--an assistant pig keeper. That's correct, you read that right. Not even a pig keeper, but an assistant pig keeper.

The assistant pig keeper goes on a dangerous, life changing journey to help resist the forces of the terrible Arawn, along with many loveable companions, including the pig Hen Wen, the furry creature Gurgi, the bard Fllewddur Fllam, and the princess Eilonwy.

Read this series to your kids if you haven't. And to yourself too.

Shout out to blogger buddy T: Tyrean from Tyrean's Writing Spot is a sweetheart who always has a kind word to say.


  1. Yeah for Tyrean!
    I haven't read any of his books but I did have the misfortune to see the movie The Black Cauldron.

  2. Oddly enough, I was thinking of watching The Black Cauldron today. Scary Disney movie! I'd love to read the books, though.

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  3. I've never heard of this character or the book but I'll check it out now for sure

  4. I've not heard of this one, but an assistant pig keeper gets my attention!

  5. I remember reading this in 80s. I can't recall if I had seen the movie by then or not.

    I should get it for my kids.

    Tim Brannan
    The Other Side and The Witch
    Red Sonja: She-Devil with a Sword
    The Freedom of Nonbelief

  6. oh! I loved the Black Cauldron!
    I must read the books!

  7. I think I've actually read this book, maybe. I'll have to look into it again. Nice blog you have here :)
