
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

U is for Delores Umbridge


Umbridge is one of my favourite bad characters. She is a complex lady, as she is fighting on the "good" side, but she's so delightfully dastardly. Her evil side plus her affinity for kittens and fluffy pink things makes her intriguing. The Order of the Phoenix is my least favourite book in the series because Harry's a whiny idiot for most of it, but I did enjoy the introduction of her character.

Forcing Harry to write lines with his own blood is just so awful a punishment. She's one of those characters you love to hate, and it's all the more satisfying when she gets carried off by centaurs at the end after insulting them; just what she deserves.

I also thought the actor who played her in the movies did a fantastic job.

Shout out to blogger buddy U: To fellow writer Mina Burrows! How did I get Mina Burrows from the letter U? Well there's a U in bUrrows, of course.


  1. It was great to see her finally get hers!

  2. Oooh, I love to hate her. She really was worse than Snape. I agree with the part about how cruel a punishment it is for Harry to have to write lines on his hand like that. Ouch. Order of the Phoenix wasn't my favorite, either.

    1. Snape has his moments. Umbridge really doesn't!

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Harry was a whiny idiot in that one...Dolores is one of those characters you just want to front of all the students in the Great Hall...
    Congrats on being Kate Beckinsale! that's pretty cool!
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

  4. Characters we love to hate are the best. They stir up our emotions and draw us into the story in ways we never dreamed of, which often keeps us on the edge of our seats.

    1. Exactly. That's the kind of villain I want to write about.

  5. I hate this character. Hate. Hate. Book 5 was my least favorite, too, but the only reason I kept reading was to see this witch go down. :)

    1. haha. That, and the awesomeness of the Weasley twins.

  6. She is definitely a delightfully hateful character. I agree that seeing her carried off by the centaurs was extremely satisfying. :)

    1. I can't decide if I am happy or sad that she returns later :P

  7. ooh, I hate her so much. The writing in your own blood bit make me sick to my stomach. I almost wish we could have had more detail about what horrible things were finally done to her. Horrible woman.

  8. What a scary looking old lady Allison. Alex C. gave you a shout out!

    1. He did indeed! I'm honoured he picked me for Kate!

  9. Hi, Allison,

    Nice to meet you...

    I hopped over from Alex's sight.

    LOVE UMBRIDGE!!!! What a great character. I just wish they portrayed her MORE TOADLIKE in the movie. LOL

    1. Nice to meet you! haha, yes, that's the one thing she didn't quite manage in the movie :)

  10. Umbridge was one of my favorite villains. I love the scene in the 5th book where she and McGonagall are arguing about Harry's future as an auror.

    1. Yes! I love that scene too! I think McGonagall is one of my favourite HP characters, actually.

  11. The writing in blood scene is permanently fixed in both my kids' minds!

  12. Okay, I laughed out loud when I saw the Umbridge photo. She is an awesome character. And ya gotta love the cats. Delores reminds me to SNL's the church lady.

    Thanks for the shout out! :)

  13. She was awesome and totally eclipsed Voldemort as best villain.

    1. I'd say they are both pretty great villains. Rowling knows how to write 'em.

  14. Some of the best villains are the ones who -think- they're doing good...such as Doctor Doom or Magneto. Umbridge is a great character.

  15. Replies
    1. Sometimes it annoys me when villains don't realize that's what they are!

  16. She was downright creepy with all those kittens and pink fluffy things. Evil, yes, but creepy as well. :D

  17. She's on my list for tomorrow (villains). A more sinister woman there never was.

  18. When I saw her in the movie, I realized they'd chosen the right actress...
    So much so that I kind of wanted someone to punch her in the face whenever she was on the screen.

  19. Not familiar with the character but she emits a bit a of nastiness in that photo.

  20. This character frustrated and angered me so much, in a really good way!

  21. My newest friend, U did a good job with this. However, I haven't a clue who you're talking about :) Research time, I guess.

    Mina is an adoring fan of Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

    Be well and happy alphabeting, Allison

    Gary at the Z to A...

  22. Her vacant smile really irritated me in the movie, so she did a good job at playing the baddie. A good, if annoying, character :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  23. Aloha Allison,

    I'm following U on Alex's list of peeps mentioned in his A-Z challenge, so I thought I'd come say hi to U.

    (especially as I am a text-snob and *never* write U, but I loved the play on the words - or is that letters :)

  24. Hi Allison. I'm popping in via Alex's place.
    That lady looks like a meanie of the highest order. You know those miserable ones who like to torture kids? Yep. That kind. I'll admit that I don't know too much about her. Am I the only person on earth who's never ever read a single HP book?
    Nice to meet U.

    Writer In Transit

  25. She really was a great character, I always loved to hate her. She annoyed me so much!

  26. She's a great example of a character that translated well from the page to screen. I loved the visuals of her looking prim and ladylike, but she's so nasty!
