
Friday, April 26, 2013

W is for Wolf

Wolf: "No, no! 'Rare' implies dangerously cooked. When I say rare, I mean let it look at the oven in terror, and then bring it out to me!"

I was surprised at how many of you knew about the movie The 10th Kingdom when I mentioned it in my top ten countdown. It is in my top ten largely because of the character Wolf.

Wolf is a human, but he's got many wolf-ish tendencies (plus a tail). I feel like his role could have been ridiculously stupid and wrecked the whole movie if put in the hands of the wrong actor, but Scott Cohen was the perfect choice to play him, and pulls the character off spectacularly.

He is downright hilarious, and has the most quote-able lines in the movie. The serious moments where he tries to keep his wolfish nature in check are also some of the most interesting parts of the movie.

Shout out to blogger buddy W: To Annalisa Crawford at Wake up, Eat, Write, Sleep for being such a positive example of a hard-working writer!


  1. I need to add that one to my NetFlix queue.

  2. Loved this mini-series. It was a little corny, in places, but was very fun to watch and well worth the time :)

    1. Oh, it was definitely corny. That was the fun part.

  3. I enjoyed this movie, and the character wolf!

  4. I guess I have something new on the to-watch list!

  5. Due to my duties as rare blood courier, I haven't been able to leave the comments I wanted to at work. But I had to tell you I loved your post on Random -- NINE PRINCES IN AMBER is one of my favorite books and Roger Zelazny is one of my favorite authors -- his ghost appears in my posts and in my writing manual, GHOST WRITERS IN THE SKY.

    And now, I know the story to your Avatar, Vivi! Your posts this Challenge have been fun and inventive! Your fan, Roland

    1. Thanks, Roland! I love finding friends who've read Nine Princes in Amber--it's fantastic and seems to have gotten sidelined for some reason.

  6. Oh, and Blogger knocked me off your Followers List so I re-upped!!

  7. The best thing about 10th Kingdom is that it wasn't just one kind of story. Wolf serves as a good way to distinguish that.

    1. I did like the amalgamation of all the fairy tales!

  8. I only made it about halfway through this movie... just because I got busy between discs and then had to take it back to the blockbuster... I think it's on netflix now, and I want to know how it ends... so thanks for reminding me.

    I do remember liking Wolf; however, he'll unfortunately always be Max Medina (Gilmore Girls) to me... and it was actually fairly hard for me to take him seriously in this role.

    Happy A-Zing!

    1. haha, I saw Gilmore Girls AFTER I saw this... so I had the opposite reaction! He'll always be Wolf to me!

  9. Wolf! Ah yes. I adored him too. It's been so long since I've seen it, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    1. I tracked it down a few years ago because I remembered watching it as a kid and liking it. It's still good now!

  10. Oh I need to get this mini series on disc. I really do.

  11. WOLFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! I LOVE 10th Kingdom AND wolf!

  12. Huff puff, yes! Wolf is the best. And one reason that my recently born son has the middle name "Wolfe". ;)

  13. OH MY GOD!! I thought I was the only one who loved The 10th Kingdom! I'm so so so glad you mentioned Wolf.

  14. I've not seen the 10th Kingdom, though I spot it often in my local HMV. Time to make a purchase, methinks :)
