
Saturday, April 27, 2013

X if for Professor X

Professor X: "Listen to me carefully, my friend: Killing will not bring you peace."

Well, Professor X actually is not my favourite X-Man (I'd have to go with Nightcrawler or Mystique), but I couldn't think of anything else for X!

He is an admirable character, that's for sure; he has a strong moral code and his mind powers are pretty awesome. I've never read the comics so I can't speak to those, but I thought Patrick Stuart was a good pick to play him in the movies. His death was sad in the third one, but that whole movie was kinda sad in its awfulness.

Shout out to blogger buddy X: This one goes to ninja Ali Cross! (Because an X is like a cross, sillies). She rocks.


  1. He died in the third one!?!?!?
    Just kidding. Patrick Stuart was a great Prof X indeed!
    Good choice for X

  2. Patric Stewart has one of the coolest voices on the planet.

  3. Alex is right: Patrick Stewart has one of the greatest actor voices around. And you're right: the 3rd X-Men movie was truly terrible. Xena is my favorite X! :-)

  4. Patrick Stewart - an incredible actor who never seems to age. What third movie? He doesn't die..... yep, I'm sticking with that story. :) I think my favorite would probably be Nightcrawler. :)

  5. I love professor X, but I might be biased because I love love love patrick stewart.

  6. I love Professor X. He's a wonderful leader and hero.

  7. I love Professor X. He was a great mentor and such a good guy

  8. Gambit's my favourite member of the X-Men, but the Prof is in my top 10 :)
